
The Climate Finance Knowledge Hub (CFKH) is a one-stop platform designed to provide financial institutions (FIs) and environmentally conscious businesses with the knowledge, resources, and certification required to secure funding for eco-friendly innovations. It consists of three key components: an innovative e-learning platform, an online directory, and guidance on accessing climate funds.


The project’s short- and long-term objectives are to increase microfinance institutions’ and MSMEs’ capacity to engage in climate-smart activities through:

  • Training and certification in the value-chain activities of climate-smart enterprises, business risk profiling, and the influence of green firms on the climate.
  • Affirming MFIs and providing them with training in tried-and-true climate-smart business methods.
  • Creating a digital platform with a database of reputable climate firms and green finance organizations, and identifying funding opportunities for green businesses.

Target Beneficiaries

The CFKH platform is designed for anyone interested in learning about climate financing and using climate finance tools including microfinance institutions (MFIs) and micro, small and medium-sized companies (MSMEs)…etc.


In general, all users will have access to knowledge regarding climate funding, including financial instruments, and will value green business prospects. The anticipated advantages include:

  • Networking and establishing connections with global climate financiers.
  • Accessing a directory of companies with expertise in both the environment and business.
  • Promoting swift course changes among clients and employees.
  • Putting the company in a position to get environmental support.
  • Respect the sustainable banking tenets.
  • Working to protect the environment by joining forces with groups that share your interests.
  • Lowering the price of raising funding for firms involved with the environment.
  • Raising awareness of climate change and guiding companies toward ethical conduct.
  • Increasing local jobs and the local economy.
  • Increasing the capacity of staff and clients, encouraging creativity building relationships, and
  • Developing a career in climate change.